Vera Dickerson

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  • Our Privacy Policy regarding the collection of personal information is available here.

Winter Adult Classes


The Experimental Edge of Watermediawith Vera Dickerson
8 classes: Tuesdays, January 7–February 25 • 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. • Same class: Thursdays, January 9–February 27 • 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. • $270
Start the new year with creative play that leads to expanding your options of making art. In-class exercises designing your compositions on a variety of surfaces, using acrylics, canvas, watercolor paper and some drawing tools will begin our winter session. Take your favorite subjects and explore a variety of ways to depict these images. Consider assembling several small canvases or adding 3-D objects, and some applied textures. Demos and critiques. Use the form at left to contact Vera with questions.register_button

Spring Adult Classes


Spring Color and Dappled Lightwith Vera Dickerson
Tuesdays • March 18–April 22 • Thursdays March 20–April 24 • 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. • $200
Watermedia, with emphasis on acrylics, will be used to find color and value relationships in nature to enliven your paintings and use the expressive qualities of color to a greater degree. We will do some mixing experiments and create personal references for continued use in your paintings. Demos will be on both canvas and watercolor paper. I will focus on Spring color, sunlight and sun-shadow patterns, but, as always, your subject matter is your own choice. Demos and critiques. Use the form at left to contact Vera with questions.register_button