During the past thirteen years, The Studio School has brought nationally known artists to Roanoke to teach week long fund-raising workshops as a part of our philosophy of educating and fostering art in this region. Such people as John Salminen, Carole Barnes and “Cheap Joe” Miller share their personal understanding of composition, material choices and insights so that we may each grow as artists ourselves.
Travel workshops occur on an annual basis, both in the U S A and in Europe. These are first announced in The Easel Society newsletter so supporters are offered priority in enrolling.
Other shorter workshops are taught by regional crafts people and painters allowing for the range of courses to be expanded beyond those of the school’s quarterly sessions. Check online class schedules for upcoming workshops.
Weather Policy: If Roanoke City Schools are: Delayed 1 hour, morning classes are delayed 1 hour. Delayed 2 hours, morning classes are canceled. Canceled, all our classes are canceled. Evening classes are canceled if bad weather persists or becomes more hazardous during the afternoon hours.